A research article published today in Science presents the first major analysis based on the Human Protein Atlas, including a...
Scientists reveal the structure of one of the most important and complicated proteins in cell division – a fundamental process...
Proteins are responsible for nearly every essential process of life. Their form and structure (or their ”fold”) are of crucial...
An interdisciplinary study led by Dr Ali Tavassoli, a Reader in chemical biology at the University of Southampton, has shown...
Maybe you’ve seen the movies or played with toy Transformers, those shape-shifting machines that morph in response to whatever challenge...
Like the strings on a violin or the pipes of an organ, the proteins in the human body vibrate in...
Inside our cells, proteins known as myosins can act as a delivery service for biological materials. To better understand how...
Researchers have created a new type of molecular motor made of DNA and demonstrated its potential by using it to...
The uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) is found exclusively in brown adipose tissue. Until some years ago it was thought that...
By using a new analysis method, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) in Sweden have found...
Naked mole rats have what any animal would want. They live long lives -- about 30 years -- and stay...
Each cell in an organism has a sensor that measures the health of its "internal" environment. This "alarm" is found...
A RIKEN research team has discovered an enzyme called Rines that regulates MAO-A, a major brain protein controlling emotion and...
Researchers led by Adrian Liston at VIB and the University of Leuven have discovered the genes that control the number...
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