Testing the effects of drugs on a simulated brain could lead to breakthrough treatments for neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s,...
Second-year bioengineering doctoral student Sylvia Natividad-Diaz may have found a way around a persistent obstacle in the treatment of HIV/AIDS—identifying...
For the first time, scientists at King’s College London have identified a gene linking the thickness of the grey matter...
In 2011, biologists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) demonstrated a highly effective method for delivering HIV-fighting antibodies to...
Metastasis, the spread of cancer cells from a primary tumour to different organs, is responsible for more than 90% of...
A cochlear implant that can be wirelessly recharged would use the natural microphone of the middle ear rather than a...
When President Barack Obama announced the $100 million neuroscience initiative called Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) in April,...
Human embryonic stem cells can be induced to spontaneously form developing brain tissue During development, the nervous system forms as...
An interdisciplinary study led by Dr Ali Tavassoli, a Reader in chemical biology at the University of Southampton, has shown...
A cure for type 1 diabetes has long eluded even the top experts. Not because they do not know what...
Pancreatic cancer is a particularly devastating disease. At least 94 percent of patients will die within five years, and in...
Researchers at the University of Arizona and the University of Illinois have developed tiny power generators that can convert the...
Rsearchers of Freie Universität Berlin, of the Bernstein Fokus Neuronal Basis of Learning, and of the Bernstein Center Berlin and...
Maybe you’ve seen the movies or played with toy Transformers, those shape-shifting machines that morph in response to whatever challenge...
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