Copy number variants contribute to risk of 'schizophrenia-like' bipolar disorder subtype
A genome-wide association study in Biological Psychiatry examines the role of copy number variants in subtypes of bipolar disorder Philadelphia, ...
A genome-wide association study in Biological Psychiatry examines the role of copy number variants in subtypes of bipolar disorder Philadelphia, ...
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 22, 2019 - Positive interactions on social media are not making young adults feel more connected, whereas negative ...
Credit: Dr. Vadim Axelrod Imagine a world where everyone has the same face. That would be a very different world ...
Bad decision-making is a trait oftentimes associated with drug addicts and pathological gamblers, but what about people who excessively use ...
For every 43 pregnancies, there is one extra case of mental illness in a woman with inflammatory bowel disease OTTAWA, ...
Research published in Heliyon finds that Facebook users who engage in social comparison are more aware of their physical ailments ...
Facebook use linked to perceptions of worsening physical health, new research from the University of Surrey, reports. In the first ...
New Dartmouth-led research finds that child-directed high-sugar breakfast cereal TV advertising is closely associated with brand-specific intake of those cereals ...
People make statistically-informed judgments about who is more likely to hold particular professions even though they criticize others for the ...
Experiment with amnesia patients helps explain role of hippocampusCredit: Courtesy of Dr. Christine Smith Two Veterans Affairs researchers have explored ...
New research has identified the factors that enable people with dementia and their carers to live as well as possible ...
Characters on labels affect desire to buy healthy versus decadent foodsCredit: Brigham Young University Stories about villains and heroes have ...
University of Alberta scientists find a new application for an existing drug, with potential to slow progression of the devastating ...
Credit: CU Boulder Imagine a barking dog, a furry spider or another perceived threat and your brain and body respond ... © Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved.