The finding fills in a gap of scientific knowledge for a prehistoric behavior of an iconic lizard Credit: Illustration by...
Credit: Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas Over the past 50 years, declining biodiversity has put many of nature s contributions to people at...
From Brazil’s Amazon, researchers report ‘spooky interactions’ among surface- and cave-dwelling electric fish, revealing shocking behavior of 300 blind cavefishes...
Credit: Michigan State University People with pre-diabetes or diabetes who live in ozone-polluted areas may have an increased risk for...
Study reveals different forms of interaction between insect groups: some caterpillar species have bodies covered with molecules identical to those...
Current nature conservation practices are not sufficiently flexible and dynamic to weather the impacts of climate change. Credit: Anton Jordaan...
Dwarfism occurring in less than a hundred years Credit: James Baxter-Gilbert Researchers from the DSI/NRF Center for Invasion Biology at...
Credit: University of Washington Antarctica’s next deep ice core, drilling down to ice from 130,000 years ago, will be carried...
Credit: University of Guam A multi-national research team has exploited long-term data sets that span 2001 to 2018 to reveal...
Mapping previously unknown green turtle foraging grounds and migratory routes supports their conservation Credit: Kellie Pendoley Marine scientists have mapped...
Study is the first to demonstrate a contagious warning signal that resists fake news in social insects Credit: Photo by... © Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved.