The 7th Annual Meeting of the Digital Olfaction Society (DOS) will take place on November 29-30 at Tokyo, Japan, and Online. This meeting is headed by Prof. Jesús Lozano Rogado, President of DOS, University of Extremadura, Spain.
Credit: Credits to the Digital Olfaction Society
The 7th Annual Meeting of the Digital Olfaction Society (DOS) will take place on November 29-30 at Tokyo, Japan, and Online. This meeting is headed by Prof. Jesús Lozano Rogado, President of DOS, University of Extremadura, Spain.
It is time for the digital olfaction. Other human senses such as vision, touch and hearing have already been successfully developed artificially. After more than 40 years of developing instruments that mimic the sense of smell, digital olfaction is ready to be used. The technologies of chemical sensors, electronic instrumentation and artificial intelligence together with the development of numerous prototypes of artificial olfactory systems have put this technology in a position where it must leave the laboratory and begin to extend its use in the different applications in which these technologies can be useful to society, either for the automation of processes that are carried out manually using sensory panels or to complement other analysis techniques. In this sense, in the coming years, digital olfaction will take off in a wide range of applications from the detection of diseases through breath, the air quality surveillance and detection of pollutants, the monitoring of food and beverage processing with low-cost devices that enable the creation of wireless sensor networks and personal devices for individual use, as happened a few years ago with touch devices, Smart voice assistants or cameras for computer vision.
For this to happen, the different industrial sectors, electronic equipment manufacturers and academia must join forces to develop new devices that will enable the development of new calculation algorithms to tackle these novel applications in which digital olfaction can improve people’s lives. Digital olfaction is sure to be the next digital sense.
DOS Innovations & Demonstrations
During the 7th DOS Annual Meeting, several demonstrations will be displayed. Each team will have a dedicated time and space to show, demonstrate, explain and discuss their project.
Also, online attendees will get to watch recordings of each demonstration.
Among the DOS 2022 Demonstrations:
Introducing Miniature Device for Digital Olfaction: Sniffing Smartwatch
Jesus Lozano Rogado, President of DOS, University of Extremadura, Spain
Presentation of Sony new product “next-gen olfactometry system NOS-DX1000”
Shuji Fujita, Sony Corporation Olfactory Business Development Office, Japan
Takimono (薫物) with Real Time Spectrometry by Ricoh
Katsuya Ujimoto, Ricoh Company, Ltd., Japan
Demonstration of Aroma Oil Recognition by Deepsniffer
Chuanjun Liu, U.S.E. Co., Ltd, Japan
Demo of Sensory Panel for Table Olives using Digital Olfaction Technology
Daniel Martín Vertedor, Scientific and Technological Research Center of Extremadura, Spain
You are welcome to submit your innovations for in online or in-person demonstration before November 11.
DOS 2022 Program and Speakers.
Industrials Attendees
Sony, Ricoh Company, ALPHA-MOS, Aroma Republic, Aromyx, GEMFluidix, International Flavors & Fragrances, LG Japan Lab, Moodify, Olfasense GmbH, Procter and Gamble, Sanyo Chemical Industries, Sentech GMI, Suntory Global Innovation Center, TAKASAGO, U.S.E. Co. Ltd. and others.
Supporters 2022
Sony Corporation, Ricoh Company.
About the Digital Olfaction Society
The aim of DOS is to create devices which not only can record smells, turn them into digital data but also transmit and restitute them where we like. The objective of DOS is also to gather, share, and complete the knowledge recently established about olfactory digitization. Our perspective is to build up constructive links between leading researchers and industrialists in order to set up appropriate strategies in order to implement Research & Development through practical applications with a high impact on our lifestyle thanks to the potential of olfactory digitization. We want to move from the Stone Age of odorous substance toward a New Age by means of digital fragrance, aroma and smell technologies.
Contact us
For all requests concerning registration and administration, please send an email to: olfaction[at]
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