The EU Pollinator Week is an event that focuses on the importance of pollinators for healthy ecosystems, wellbeing, and culture. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, in 2021 it will be an online event with a main theme “A new deal for pollinators”.
Credit: Pensoft Publishers
The EU Pollinator Week is an event that focuses on the importance of pollinators for healthy ecosystems, wellbeing, and culture. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, in 2021 it will be an online event with a main theme “A new deal for pollinators”.
The 2021 EU Pollinator Week is organised by Members of the European Parliament under the chairmanship of Martin Hojsík and BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination, in partnership with the European Commission, the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). Numerous experts from public authorities, non-governmental organisations, scientists, beekeepers, farmers, business organisations, and citizens, are going to participate in the various panels and sessions.
“This year symbolises a shift from a narrow focus on managed pollinators to recognition of the importance of wild pollinators for healthy ecosystems and food security too. The current biodiversity crisis demonstrates the urgent need to accelerate their protection and to incorporate pollinator-conservation objectives into our policies. The EU Pollinator Week should bridge and engage all the stakeholders to discuss a new European deal for pollinators”, says chair Martin Hojsík.
Keynote speakers such as the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal Frans Timmermans, President of the European Parliament David Maria Sassoli, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides, and the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová will address the audience and set the political tone of the event.
From 2012, the European Week of Bees and Pollinators, informally named “Bee Week”, was held annually in the European Parliament in Brussels. It established itself as one of the most influential pollinator-related events in the EU, becoming a focal meeting point for various stakeholders and decision-makers. In 2021, the event was renamed EU Pollinator Week in an effort to achieve a more inclusive framework of cooperation which focuses on all types of European insect pollinators.
“We invite everyone to take part and collaborate in order to do all we can to protect our pollinators, and ultimately, ourselves and the planet,” said Noa Simón Delso, Scientific director at BeeLife.
Join us in the 2021 EU Pollinator Week and become a part of one of the biggest pollinator protection forums! All interested attendees can register for the different sessions of the event or follow the livestream on the official website of the EU Pollinator Week: