University of Chichester in $2.3 million child maltreatment study
Credit: University of Chichester Project is the first nationwide study of prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia Damage caused by ...
Credit: University of Chichester Project is the first nationwide study of prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia Damage caused by ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New research from Johns Hopkins Medicine and Sheppard Pratt Health System shows that people in the study ...
Study shows that experiencing private time can enhance positive attitudes among youth about clinical preventive services Only about half of ...
Increasing 'flags' in CRISPR extends effectiveness of treatment in miceCredit: Justin Kelley/MU Health The gene editing technique known as CRISPR ...
In mouse study, researchers find it's not the added calories but the long-term reduction in energy expended During normal pregnancy, ...
New Dartmouth-led research finds that child-directed high-sugar breakfast cereal TV advertising is closely associated with brand-specific intake of those cereals ...
Credit: Children's National Health System A mutation of the gene PAC1R may be linked to the severity of social deficits ...
Testing at birth could allow for optimized early interventions that improve outcomes, according to review in The Journal of the ...
Bottom Line: This study examined whether prenatal exposure to valproate and other antiepileptic drugs was associated with increased risk of ...
Almost 40 percent of youth in study exhibit at least one obsessive or compulsive behavior Engaging in repetitive and ritualistic ...
High doses of chronic stimulant therapy did not result in damage to the hearts of rhesus monkeys BUFFALO, N.Y. -- ...
In the 1960s, doctors began screening newborns for a metabolic condition called phenylketonuria (PKU). Since then, dozens of other diseases ...
Research suggests that celiac disease could be caused by a bacterial enzyme used to manufacture sausages, cheese, bread and other ...
CHOP researchers evaluate feasibility, safety and benefit potential of project: EVO Platform Philadelphia, January 3, 2019--Researchers at Children's Hospital of ... © Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved.